Walking Tour of Historical Charleston

For one of the best walking tours you will ever take, check out Tommy Dew’s Walking History Tour. This is the best most comprehensive tour you’ll take in Charleston; it encompasses 10 blocks for about 90-minutes; providing you with the caloric deficit you need in anticipation of future culinary indulgences. Be sure to carry a bottle of water and slather up with sunblock and wear a wide brimmed hat to avoid Southern sunburn.

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Spring in Sedona

Sedona holds a distinction for having significant energy vortexes or concentrated centers of energy. Whether you believe in energy centers or not, a visit to this magical place is sure to lift your energy and spirits and leave you feeling refreshed, energized and renewed.

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Satiated in Seattle

Seattle is a city that has something for everyone. Whether you’re an artist or adventurer, a hiker or a cyclist, a foodie or a photographer (or both!) you’ll find something to whet your appetite both literally and figuratively. Whether you’re there for a weekend or for a week (or two) you’ll find plenty to do, see and eat.

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